Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pretty Yummy!

We made the one pot cheesy chicken cattachatorie(yeah totally spelled wrong) and it was surprisingly good! I had no expectations since it was made with a box of mac and cheese (I'm not really a fan) but it was really tasty. The only change we would make (OK Joel suggests) is using the white cheddar mac and cheese rather than regular. I agree that would be very yummy. I will definitely make this again. you could make a more healthy version if you used a whole wheat pasts and a hard cheese of your choice. Oh, the other change I will make it NO onions, but I don't like raw onions and they still have some crunch to it. So next time I won't put them in, but other than that I was surprised by how good and super easy it was.


Erica said...

Oooh, that one looks really good. We have a bunch of mac'n'cheese in the garage. I'll have to make it now.

Underwood's in Cali said...

you should it's good

Underwood's in Cali said...

I tried it again with the white cheddar and we didn't like it as much as the original