Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our First Recipe

We had the Western Skillet Omelet for dinner tonight since we actually had all the ingredients (minus the peppers). It was delicious and easy to make. I think we would have it again. Of course the boys wouldn't eat it, but they liked the toast we had along side it. If I made it again, I would boil the potatoes longer. Then you could just toss it all together in in the skillet at the last minute and it would cook faster. Yummy, can't wait for the next recipe!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Cheesy Volcano Meatballs!

This is what the sandwich looks like in the magazine.

Here's what our sandwich looked like.

Meatballs with chunks of cheese in them, ready to be cooked!

Pete with his first sandwich - that's right, he liked it so much, he had two!

Me with my sandwich. It was pretty darn good!

Well, for the first week of the challenge I went for something that was very little hassle and that could be made with ingredients I already owned - all except for the buns. It was really easy and was done in less than half an hour. I thought it was tasty, too. The only thing is, the recipe tells you to use hot dog buns, but they're so small and not very dense, so I didn't think they'd hold up very well. I got hoagie rolls instead. Also, if I make it again, not only will I use the aluminum foil underneath, but I'll probably put them on a raised rack so they're not sitting in cheesy and hamburger grease once they're cooked.

But yeah, I thought they were pretty good! I'd give them 4 1/2 stars!

Monday, September 10, 2007

What's Cookin'??

Okay, it's week one! Look through your magazine and pick something to make! I still haven't decided on something for this week.. it should be interesting, though.

Oh, and if anyone has any ideas for like if we want to do a theme week or something. Like, dinners, or ethnic cuisine, or desserts or appetizers, that'd be cool. This week will start out normal, but maybe next week we can try to plan something like that? Let me know what you think! I can't wait to see what you make!

ps: don't you love the cheesy pic of the kraft chefs? Hahaha.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Layered Enchilada Bake

This was last night's dinner. It was SO delicious that Pete and I ate all of it! Actually, I split it into two smaller pans and froze one of them for dinner some other time. So we only ate half of all of it. But still. It was REALLY good. I wouldn't really change much to the recipe. Maybe add corn, 'cause I love corn and I think it'd go well with the beans and salsa and meat. It's flavorful, fatty, and cheesy. What more do you need?